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Sunday, 10 July 2011

Clinical Acupuncture

NEW. Eleventh Enlarged Edition on Clinical Acupuncture by Prof Anton Jayasuriya
1008 pages. already SOLD 1.5 Million Copies
For SALE £25 Postage included.

The Meridians of Acupuncture
by, Felix Mann
Collectors Item
174 pages, 1976 issue
Used. In very good condition
£20 includes postage

The Treatment of Disease by Acupuncture
Third Edition
Hard Back
by, Felix Mann
Used in Good Condition
Collectors Item
£42 Post included

1 comment:

  1. Hi, is Clinical Acupuncture by Prof Anton Jayasuriya still for sale?


UK Odds and Sods for Sale
This is a Blog dedicated to discuss the sale of Odds and Sods. There is money in your, Books, furniture, collections and unwanted things. Just because you don't want them does not mean they are fit for the dump. There is always some one who will be willing to buy them off you. We can also discuss, sales and techniques, and how other peoples they dealt with their selling.