Odds and Sods for Sale This is a Blog dedicated to discussing the sale of Odds and Sods. There is money in your, Books, furniture, collections and unwanted things. Just because you don't want them does not mean they are fit for the dump. There is always some one who will be willing to buy them off you. We can also discuss, sales and techniques, and how other people have dealt with their selling.
Save Money by purchasing a new Car
I traded in my old car and purchased a new Car in its place. Because the Car was A rated, in its Carbon imitation I do not have to pay road Tax. I get 90 mpg and so saving on my fuel bills. Being a new Car my Insurance is cheaper, and no MOT for 3 years. In all I have a new car I drive with pride, smoother running and comfort. I would seriously consider it.
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Monday, 15 August 2011
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Ashwagandha root Extract
Ashwagandha Withania somnifera, also known as Indian ginseng, Winter cherry, Ajagandha, Kanaje Hindi, Amukkara in Tamil and Samm Al Ferakh, Ashwaganda in Sanskrit means "horse's smell," because its root smell like a sweaty horse. In Tamil, it is known as Amukkrang Kilangu . A plant of the Solanaceae or nightshade family, and one of the top ten beneficial, adaptogenic immune tonic Super herbs, traditional use in Northern Africa, India, Pakistan, and parts of Asia. Much like ginseng in effect and effectiveness, Ashwagandha acts partly as a sedative, relieving the body from stress, and boosts the immune system to optimum active levels.
Part of the plant used (root, leaves, and seeds), Ashwagandha may also contain antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties, its root, been known to promote the following benefits:
Bipolar disorder, chronic fatigue, debility Increasing stamina and relieving fatigue, emaciation, nervous exhaustion, Regulating the body’s ability to withstand stress and increasing the body’s general performance, Diabetes, dehydration , thirst, muscle weakness and tension, loose teeth, bone weakness, Bone Cancer , improve the well-being of the elderly and breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, impotency, spermatorrhoea, It’s the male herb, premature ageing by - Slows aging process, senility, memory loss Frequently used to treat anemia, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, common colds, and many other ailments, Tuberculosis ,Parkinsons Disease , neurodegenerative disorders, constipation , rheumatism.
While Ashwagandha is claimed to have a wide variety of health benefits, there have been few clinical trials to test these claims. Studies completed so far support that W. somniferamay also be beneficial for: reducing drug withdrawal symptoms, calming anxiety, Arthriticjoint pains in the knee, or other parts of the body. It can also be used as an insect repellent and a substitute for soap.
The berries and leaves are traditionally used as a topical treatment for tumors and tubercular glands, carbuncles and ulcers it can Boosts immune system, Speeds recovery from chronic illness, Sedate and calms without producing drowsiness
The berries can be used as a substitute for rennet, in cheese making.
Ingredients: Organic extract of Ashwagandha root
Dose: Start with 1/2 teaspoon of the extract, to a fruit or vegetable juices, or a glass of water. Then slowly increase.
Available from: Natural Healing Centre
To Order:Phone: +44 1376511069,
Payments: VISA,
Paypal: nelson j brunton. Or Cheque Payable to, Nelson Brunton.
Siberian Ginseng Root
Siberian Ginseng Root ( powder)
100grams £5 included Postage
Kidney Function
The Kidneys are a bean shaped, fist size organ whose task is to filter blood and remove the waste. The blood enters the kidneys via the Renal Artery and leaves via the Renal Vein. Inside each kidney, blood is channeled into a million tiny filters, called a glomerulus (the plural is glomeruli). Glomeruli are joined to small tubes (tubules) to make nephrons and each nephron is surrounded be a network of capillaries. At the end of each nephron is the Glomerulus, contained in a cup-shaped Bowman's Capsule. It is here that urine is formed.
Kidney function is divided into three parts: Filtration, Re-absorption & Secretion. In the course of the day 150 litres (33gallons) of filtrate passes into the nephrons - As the fluid passes along these tubes, small molecules such as fats, sugars, salts, amino-acids pass from the capillary into the tubules. Protein molecules, too large and hence are passed out into the blood. After Filtration the fluids of filtrates, is taken back into the blood stream (reabsorbed) which 100 times the average daily amount of urine.
During Secretion hydrogen & Potassium ions are removed from the blood and added to the filtrates to be excreted as urine. Where it finally goes into the ureter and down into the bladder.
The Kidneys, balance the fluid and chemical levels in the body. Retain valuable substances, release Hormones, control Blood Pressure, make red blood cells, and maintain healthy bones and teeth.
Ageing taxes the Urinary System. Learn to lessen the ageing by adapting a healthy life style. This is achieved through taking enough rest, drinking adequate fluids, avoiding smoking, drink less alcohol, eat a proper & balance diet and get regular exercise.
To improve the function of the kidneys it is important to keep it healthy and clean. remove the build up of debrey from within. this will assist the kidneys and enhance the task. I personally recommend to drink 3 cups of Herbal Kidney Tea a day. Herbal Kidney tea is also know to assist those suffering from Prostrate problems and control Blood Pressure.
Nelson Brunton.
order tea on line on link below.
The Liver is the largest Organ in the body. You can cut half of the liver away and it has the power to regenerate. The liver is your life giver. The quality of life is dependant on the quality of the liver. The muscles, tendons, eyes and your strength are controlled and fed by the liver. Remember the Heart is a muscle.
According to Tao, it is believe that the female reproductive organ is controlled by the Liver and all the diseases of the female parts are treated taking consideration of this organ.
Blood pressure, Cortisol, insulin and fats are all under the influence of the liver. There is a balancing act between Cortisol and DHEA.( Dehydroepiandrosterone), DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is an endogenous hormone (made in the human body) secreted by the adrenal gland. DHEA serves as precursor to male and female sex hormones (androgens and estrogens), when Cortisol levels go up DHEA levels come down, and when DHEA levels go up Cortisol levels come down. Raised Cortisol will lead to raised blood sugar, which will bring about, raise Insulin resistance, resulting in a metabolic disorder and a build up of fats in the Liver. The cause of type 2, Diabetes and Obesity.
This organ (Liver) speaks to the thyroid gland and is one of the organs that assist in converting T4 cell to T3. Estrogens and Thyroxin binding Globulins are made by the Liver. Thyroxin Binding Globulins binds to T4 to convert into T3. But High levels of Estrogens, raises the production of Thyroxin Binding Globulins which lowers the numbers of T4 available to converted into T3 causing Hypothyroidism. Which inevitably lead to Diabetes and Obesity.
The Liver also acts like a warehouse and stores the nutrients to be released to the body as needed, Similar to the fuel tank in you car. The faster you drive the car the more fuel you use up, hence those who live on the fast track inevitably have a shorter life span. On this note is is wise to be aware the more you eat the lazier you get and this can lead to a diseased state of body and mind.
Now if your car demanded more fuel and you got less MPG, then you will soon have it seen to, in the same way we should consider the body. There is no excuse to be made, saying, 'he is a growing lad and needs more food'. If you are putting on Fat as a result then you can be sure you are not burning off your calories. In put should match output.
In the East we believe, The Liver is the seat of the Soul and Love is stored in the Liver, which is expressed by the Heart. We say in the East,' I love you with my Heart and Liver' In the West we have a similar saying,' I love you with my Heart and my Soul'.
In the scriptures it is said the Spirit flows in the Blood, and we know Blood feeds the Liver. The purerer the blood, the better quality liver we will have. Before you can Love any other, you must learn to Love you Liver.
In the process of digestion the Liver drains the bile into the Gall Bladder. Regular draining of the Liver causes Harmony within, but if the Gall Bladder does not empty then this can bring about Anger. The Taoist say,' Anger destroys the Liver, in the West we say, 'Anger destroys the Soul'. If a person has no regards for their Liver, be aware they can never truly Love you, no matter what sweet words they used to seduce you.
It is important to know, there is no free meal where drugs are concerned. All drugs and pharmaceuticals make their way to the Liver. It can be stored here and do optimum damage to the organ and its function. Contaminated foods, smoking, excess alcohol, parasites, viruses, worms and house hold chemicals, including cosmetic, harm the Liver one way or another.
To improve the quality of the Liver it is wise to detoxify and cleanse the Organ. I recommend, 'Herbal Liver Mix' that will assist the liver to function better and it will also help to get rid of the Liver Fluke, which is very easy to acquire and very hard to get rid of. The Liver Fluke is believed to cause many unnecessary problems, bringing about a diseased state in the body and mind. The Liver goes out of its way to nourish, and protect you. 'Greater Love, no man will ever have'. Now, do you Love your Liver?
Nelson Brunton
Buy Herbal Liver mix from:
Human Parasites
Do you suffer from Constipation, Diarrhoea, foul Smelling Stools, urine and Flatulence? Do you have bad breath, strong body odour and sweat?. Do people keep their distance when in your company? Are you plagued with rumbling stomach, heartburn, chest pains, persistent coughing, itchy ears, nose and anus? Hunger pains that wont go away despite eating,?
Are you anaemic, loosing weight and feel weak despite a healthy appetite?
This could all be as a result of parasites. Don't run away with the idea that this only happens in poor third world countries.
They are easy to acquire but hard to get rid of.
Here are some of them: Protozoa, Cryptosporidium, Endamoeba Histolytic, Guardia toxoplasmosis Gondi.
Worms, pinworms, hook worms, round worms, tapeworms, and liver Fluke.
How do you acquire them? Playing in contaminated water, and near animal faeces, Birds and pets have the habit of depositing their faecal matter on your carpets, your bed, and sofa when you hover the parasites eggs float in the air and you breathe them. Once they enter your lungs and stomach the eggs hatch out and the cycle begins.
Animals and birds, litter the leaves and fruits, in your organic garden, which you then eat without washing them thoroughly.
Another way is walking bare feet in the garden and through a scratch, or a crack in the skin microscopic organisms soon finds their way into the body. Handling raw meat and fish and not washing your hands, then you handle your raw fruits and vegetables which you then consume without washing, especially, your fruit and vegetable salads.
Not washing your hands after visiting the Bathroom,. Drinking contaminated water. Passing on bacteria and viruses by shaking hands with others, or contaminating cool damp areas, which you leave, ready for the next person to inherit.
These are only some of the ways to transferring these parasites from body to body.
What you need to do? Practise good standard of Hygiene and clean yourself after handling your pets. De-parasitize yourself and your pets regularly.
I recommend the Liver and Bowel Herbal mix. This will help get rid of the mothers, daughters and eggs of the worms and parasites in the body, including the Liver Fluke which is the cause of many ailments suffered by the human race.
Nelson Brunton
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
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